Friday, November 13, 2009


Sometimes you just know it's time for a change. Not long ago I chose the name Ella Rose for my photography business because I was inspired by my daughter and because I felt it conveyed beauty. But I've never been entirely happy with the name. I don't just strive to capture beauty--I try to capture beautiful moments to remind people of joyous times in their lives. So I toyed with other ideas and one day it hit me out of the blue that my childhood nickname should be the inspiration for the name of my photography business. Katie Joy. I find joy in life and I capture joyful moments through my lens. Hopefully, the work I do will help people remember the joy in their past.

So, before I get much more established, I am making the change. You can link to my new site here: and check out some more pictures of this beautiful bride. And since I won't be posting again on my Ella Rose blog, don't forget to change your bookmarks, bloglines, or blog lists. Thank you for looking!


1 comment:

Christine said...

your photography is beautiful! wished we lived close:)
wanted to get your home address for a christmas card