In April Ella and I took a trip to Idaho to visit my mom and siblings who live there. All of my siblings have families of their own and all but one live in Idaho. I love that I can see everyone in just one trip. We had a great time and Ella loved playing with her cousins. One night we stayed over at my sister's house and in the morning the sun was shining, the kids were all happy with legos, books, video games, trains, and breakfast. The lighting in my sister's kitchen was beautiful, so I pulled out my camera and started snapping pictures of her youngest as he ate his breakfast. Soon the 3 year old wanted in on the party, then the 7 year old. And that's how the most relaxed photo session I've ever witnessed unfolded. All the kids were in pajamas with hair ruffed from their pillows, but they were bright eyed and happy. Twenty minutes later I had shots of all the kids and they barely noticed the interruption.
Do we really need to stress over matching outfits, perfectly parted hair, and perma-smiles? I don't think so. Sometimes it's nice to see kids just being themselves.